1 "I Can Do It!" reward chart
Our best selling reward chart! It Includes 20 different and interchangeable chores and behaviors and 45 reusable plastick reward stars.
1 "I Can Do It!" reward chart supplemental Behavior/Family Pack
15 Behavior and Family living tasks with Velcro plastic squares
1 "I Can Do It!" reward chart supplemental Chore Pack
15 chore related tasks with Velcro plastic squares
1 "I Can Do It!" reward chart supplemental School Pack
1 "I Can Do It!" reward chart supplemental Blank Pack
5 Blank stickers with Velcro squares so you can create your own tasks!
1 "I Can Do It!" reward chart supplemental Star Pack
42 replacement stars with Velcro
1 "I Can Do It!" Reward Tattoos
30 Non-Toxic temporary reward tattoos. Fun to wear and easy to apply! Perfect for parents and teachers to reinforce positive behaviors and they also remind a child to keep up the good work on a given task or behavior.
1 "I Can Do It!" Token Board
The "I Can Do It!" Token Board is our most versatile chart! It is perfect for focusing on one specific task, behavior or goal. The possibilities are endless! Use for a short term goal like helping your child sit still at the dinner table tonight or get their homework done without complaining, etc.. Great for tracking long term goals as well. For example, child completes 5 good deeds, reads 5 books, or exercises for a certain amount of time, etc...
Made in the USA