The "I Can Do It!" Dog Care Pack supplements the I Can Do It! Reward Chart and My Daily Checklist
(I Can Do It Reward Chart and Daily Checklist not included)
We are thrilled to introduce you to our first Kid Entrepreneur, twelve-year-old Ava Bertelli.
Ava and her family approached us with an idea to create a system that would help kids remember all the things they need to do to take care of their pets.
“Sometimes, kids don’t realize how much time and work it takes to care for a new pet and they give up,” Ava says. “I hope this solution helps reduce the number of animals who are taken to shelters.”
Pets come with a lot of responsibility. Having your children help with the daily responsibilities of having a pet not only helps teach your child responsibility and compassion for animals but also can help your child and pet bond. The Dog Care supplemental pack comes with some of the basic tasks required to keep your pet happy and healthy.
This supplemental pack includes:
Tasks Included:
- Give Food/Water
- Take for Walk
- Give Bath
- Brush/Groom
- Play
- Pet/Cuddle
- Train
- Crate
- Potty Break
- Pick up After (Scoop Poop)
We also have a Pet Care Chart available. It includes the same tasks and a board to track your child's progress. You can see the I Can Do It! Dog Care Chart here: